4 tools for human resource management in the company
People management or Human Resources management is a fundamental pillar of our company. Good or bad management will directly influence the work environment that is created within and the results it obtains. Therefore, it is important to take care of this aspect and, luckily for us, there are some great tools we can rely on. Let’s look at these four areas in which we have tools for human resource management:
Payroll programs
In the labour part of Human Resources, any program that makes our lives easier in terms of payroll will save us a lot of time! Being able to make quick calculations and have automated processes that help us prepare payroll quicker will allow us to have more time to dedicate to people management.
Among the many payroll management programs out there, we have chosen Nominasol, which allows us to customize the system according to our needs; Nomio, which is a free software or Sage NominaPlus, which includes electronic banking.
Personnel selection processes
In this case we use Bizneo. Bizneo is a tool that allows us to publish and manage job offers, from their publication on portals to the hiring of the selected person. It facilitates receiving resumes, screening, dividing the process into several phases, even differentiating between finalist candidates and those who have finally been hired.
This Human Resources tool allows us to save time and creates a more dynamic workflow because we can see all the candidates in the same place, we don’t have the CVs scattered in different places or folders, and it allows us to keep track of all the applications.
Creation of an internal communication network
The creation of an internal communication network allows us to be in contact with our colleagues quickly and easily and helps make communication more direct and clear. This communication network can be created in different ways, such as with an internal Gmail chat. In this way, we can send messages to the entire team or to a specific person.
The creation of this communication network in one way or another will depend, above all, on the way of working and the tools that we use in our company. It can be divided into projects, teams or departments depending on the needs of each company. This is important in all organizations, but it becomes vital if there is a hybrid or remote work structure where being able to have fluid communication in real-time, without being in the same space, is key.
Another application that can help us in this is Slack, a powerful real-time communication and collaboration tool for teams. Some of the main advantages of Slack is the customization capacity, since it allows users to create thematic channels, add reactions and labels and customize the notifications to fit the needs of each user. Even better, Slack can be integrated with many other platforms, making it a more powerful tool.
Comprehensive people management
Defining an organization chart and the roles of each person in our company will help us to be more efficient, but how? Because it will afford to us a global vision of the company and we will be able to make decisions quicker when necessary, in addition to helping us manage tasks.
When we have a definition of roles, we know who makes the decisions in each area, in such a way that we will know who to turn to if we have a question, so we will improve the workflow not only in the face of daily doubts, but also in the face of obstacles that we may encounter.
In this area we can also be benefited from using Factorial, a software that helps us manage and automate bureaucracy in the area of Human Resources such as payroll management, employee expenses or general documentation, including performance evaluations or monitoring of objectives.
Bonus tool: an onboarding guide
Creating an onboarding guide is a very powerful tool. As we have mentioned on occasion, a new hire is the beginning of a relationship for two. The company chooses the candidate, but the candidate also has to choose the company. If we do not take care of the onboarding of a person, it is possible that we can give them a bad impression that marks their experience as an employee.
The procedures that we use daily are so internalized that sometimes we do not stop to think that they can be complex for someone new. That is why stopping to think about how a new member could be welcomed and planning how to gradually introduce them to our culture of company is a way of taking care of people management.
Human Resources or people management tools always have a common goal: to make work easier for our team members. To do this, you have to think about both those who are already part of that team and the people who are joining new ones. For this reason, communication and integration are fundamental parts of people management, as is automating some processes as far as possible. By caring about our team, we care about our company.